
Liz Hughes
Medical Device
Business Leader
High sales growth portfolio in medical device industry, including ventilators. Commercial effectiveness specialist, accredited leadership coach. Business growth and turnaround leader.

Steve Atkinson
Medical Device Entrepreneur and Business Leader
Multiple startups, turnarounds and successful exits.

Prof. James E. Moore Jr.
The Bagrit Chair in Medical Device Design Imperial College
Medical Device Designer with 25 years of leadership in medtech entrepreneurship.
A vastly experienced engineering, commercial and medical team with an unshakeable ‘Why?’ that is simply:
Let the world breathe.
RELAVENT performs all critical functions of invasive ICU ventilators made possible by robust IP at a disruptive, affordable price.
Lead Engineer

Dr. Joseph van Batenburg- Sherwood
Lecturer in Biofluid Mechanics Imperial College
Biomechanical engineer and lead inventor of RELAVENT.
Design Engineer

Dr. Michael Madekurozwa
R&D Engineer
Key developer of RELAVENT design, part procurement, electronics and controls.
Clinical Advisor

Dr. Jakob Mathiszig-Lee
Consultant Anesthetist
ICU experience in UK, and low and middle income countries.